Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Safari Park!

Last Saturday Ryan and I decided to rent a car and go on a day trip down to the walk-thru Safari Park in Bandon. We've there before but have waited until Cameron was walking before we took him there.
Here are a bunch of pictures to show you all how much fun we had!

Here's Ryan by our rental car...

Inside the park - where the animals roam freely...

Ryan petting a sheep and Cameron watching...

Here I am petting a goat (I wanted to take it home with me)!

Cameron with a different goat...

Cam chasing a goose!

Father & Son (and ostrich)...

In front of the sleeping white tiger...

Mommy holding her new baby *wink*...

Cameron harassing some cat...

Pretty kitty...

Funny looking camel...


Pretty peacock...

Ugly turkey...

Big bear paw...

"Sam" the male chimp...

Cameron and I leaving the park...

Asleep in the car...

Niiiice car - too bad we had to return it!

Goin' home...

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