Saturday, August 9, 2008

Alton Baker Park

We went to Alton Baker Park last Tuesday because I thought it might be fun to feed the ducks. But when we got there it smelled so bad, and there was so much poop around, we didn't even let Cameron get out and run around. Besides, some of those geese are viscious!

Here's Cameron eating the rice cake we gave him to give to the ducks! He still doesn't really get the concept of sharing his food...

See all the poop on the ground! Eeewwwwww!

We heard a train off in the distance - here's Mr. Crumbface saying "Choo choo"!

These geese aren't afraid of anything!

Here's Cam sprinkling some crumbs on the ground for the ducks...

"What are you lookin' at?"

Goose with broken wings...

A pretty flower I found...

Floating feather in the flowers...


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