Here's a whole bunch of pictures of the three cutest kids you've ever seen!
The three of them chasing bubbles...
Ben and Cam with the bubbles - Don't eat them Ben!
They were tyring to give each other a hug and this is what happened...
Cam and Ben on the swings...
Cam and Ben going down the slide together!
Sophie and Cameron playing in the field with bubbles.
We tried lining them up on the bench to get a cute picture...
This is what happened!
They wouldn't sit still!
This one is cute!
Cameron playing with some cat that was in the field.
Cam and Sophie with the cat...
She was not afraid of that cat!
Looking for birds? I don't know...
We tried lining them up again...
And gave them leaves to play with...
But Cameron wanted nothing to do with it...
He was more interested in the cat!
He wanted to climb over this log but it was just a little too big...
Sitting under a tree...
Playing with acorns...
Making a funny face!
Ready to go home...