Yes, I had another spill. Not the same as last time when I fainted and fell on top of the gate. This fall was a little different.
Let me give you a little background... Ryan's birthday was Sept. 3rd (his big 3-0!) but we didn't celebrate it properly. My mom, dad and sister took him out to dinner but there were no cards, cake or balloons. So last Thursday, after finally buying him a card and present, I was planning on getting him a cake and doing something special for dinner. It was two weeks later, but what the heck!
Ryan was supposed to get off work around 6pm but called around 3pm and said he was coming home early. So I scrambled to get his card filled out and let Cameron scribble all over it too. As Ryan's truck pulled up out front I grabbed Cam from his high chair in the kitchen and was intending to meet Ryan at the front door. But as I was stepping over the baby gate, with Cameron in my arms, my foot got caught and I flew forward. All I could think was to not let Cameron hit the ground, and not to fall on top of him either.
So instead, I dropped all of my weight on one knee. It felt like my knee cap went through my knee. I immediately pulled my pant leg up and it was swollen and crushed looking at the same time. I put some shorts on and went to the couch to put some ice on it. Every time I looked at it it felt worse and worse. I had Ryan call the doctor to see if I should go in and get it checked out. They told me to go to Urgent Care. Thankfully, my step-dad was still here and watch Cam for us.
The good news was, the x-rays didn't show anything broken. But the bad news was, x-rays only show the bone. The doctor told me to stay off of it (use crutches if I have to) and if the swelling and pain doesn't go down by next week to see my regular doctor and get an MRI done.
Here are some pictures of the ugliness five days after the fall... It's looking pretty colorful!